// COCKPIT.C - Source Code Module
// (c)Copyright 1995-1998 Steve Eschweiler. All Rights Reserved.

#include "fly.h"
#include "tmr_snd.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include <math.h>

//#define BUFFER_BLAST // Also in FLY.C

#define WINDOW_OFF		0
#define WINDOW_YELLOW		1
#define WINDOW_GREEN		2
int current_window;
int pipper_x, pipper_y, bomb_x, bomb_y;

#define SC_INDEX	0x03c4	// Sequence Controller Index
#define SC_DATA		0x03c5	// Sequence Controller Data Register
char *vidmem;

extern int cockpit_green_off_index,
int old_my_plane_brake, old_my_plane_gear, old_my_plane_flaps, old_my_plane_stall;

extern char bitmap_light_aa[100];
extern char bitmap_light_sam[100];
extern char bitmap_light_lock[100];
extern char bitmap_light_nada[100];
extern char bitmap_light_stall[100];
extern char bitmap_light_fuel[100];
extern char bitmap_light_radar[100];
extern char bitmap_light_fail[100];
extern char bitmap_light_ctrl[100];
extern char bitmap_light_hyd[100];
extern char bitmap_light_fire[100];
extern char bitmap_light_engl[100];
extern char bitmap_light_engr[100];
extern char bitmap_light_brake[100];
extern char bitmap_light_gear[100];
extern char bitmap_light_flaps[100];
extern char bitmap_shoot[95];

extern short Syaw, Spitch, Sroll;

// Same as PHYSICS.C
#define MY_PLANE_MASS		1140
#define MY_PLANE_WEIGHT		36710
// #define MY_PLANE_MASS           716
// #define MY_PLANE_WEIGHT         23050
int ils;
extern char CFP_g_force[90][251];
extern long Lstall_speed[90];

// Used by target view
extern short Syaw_angle_of_head, Spitch_angle_of_head, Sroll_angle_of_head;
long infrared_view_x, infrared_view_y, infrared_view_z, infrared_target_x, infrared_target_z, infrared_target_distance, infrared_wme, infrared_wmet;

void Update_DDIs(void);
void Draw_Threat(int on_left);
void Draw_Target_Info(int on_left);
void Draw_Radar(int on_left);
void Draw_Radar_Blip(int DRB_sim_plane_element);
void Draw_Missle_Radar_Blip(int DMRB_element);
void Draw_Stores(int on_left);
void Draw_Waypoints(int on_left);
void Draw_Infrared(int on_left);
void Calculate_Ground_Target_View(long view_distance);
void disp_ddi_text(int disp_ddi_text_x, int disp_ddi_text_y, unsigned char *string, int string_len);
void draw_ddi_station(int num, int draw_ddi_station_x, int draw_ddi_station_y);
int update_stores_display;

long Lx1, Ly1, Lx2, Ly2, Lx3, Ly3, Lx4, Ly4, Lx5, Ly5, Lx6, Ly6; /* Used by pitch ladder */
short Swaypoint_angle;

#define LADDER_MINX	129
#define LADDER_MAXX	191
#define LADDER_MINY	30
#define LADDER_MAXY	100

#define HUD_COLOR		243 // new
#define MAP_COLOR		140 //?
#define DISPLAY_BK_COLOR	240 // new
#define DISPLAY_DIM_COLOR	241 // new
#define DISPLAY_FG_COLOR	242 // new

#define MAP_MINX        135
#define MAP_MAXX        184
#define MAP_MINY        189
#define MAP_MAXY        238
#define MAP_CENTER_X    160
#define MAP_CENTER_Y    213
#define MAP_MINX	132
#define MAP_MAXX	185
#define MAP_MINY	200
#define MAP_MAXY	239
#define MAP_CENTER_X	159
#define MAP_CENTER_Y	227

int last_center_element,
last_map_heading_x, map_heading_x,
last_map_heading_z, map_heading_z,
last_map_waypoint_x, map_waypoint_x,
last_map_waypoint_z, map_waypoint_z;

/* Used by map display */
extern long Lcenter_element;
extern const short drawing_sequence_lookup[961];
long map_center_element;

extern char *weapon_digit_ptr[10];
extern char weapon_digit_0[15];
extern char weapon_digit_1[15];
extern char weapon_digit_2[15];
extern char weapon_digit_3[15];
extern char weapon_digit_4[15];
extern char weapon_digit_5[15];
extern char weapon_digit_6[15];
extern char weapon_digit_7[15];
extern char weapon_digit_8[15];
extern char weapon_digit_9[15];

int MACH[90] =






    int loop_var;
    short Sgen, Sgen2;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2, Lgen3;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (cockpit_on_screen==NO || view_point!=LOOK_FOREWARD)


    // Alright, this is the plan.
    // We update all lights and everything pertaining to the cockpit
    // in this ONE function!!!!!
    // The 2 DDI backgrounds are drawn on the hidden page.
    // The 2 DDI background are blited to the visual page.
    // All remaining DDI information is updated in real time.
    // The map info is updated only as needed.
    // When the map changes, we store on the hidden page, and we
    // blit it to the active and visual pages and we're done and we
    // forget about it until it needs to be updated again.

    copy0( (char *)(0x000a0000+(page*20480)) );
    copy1( (char *)(0x000a0000+(page*20480)) );
    copy2( (char *)(0x000a0000+(page*20480)) );
    copy3( (char *)(0x000a0000+(page*20480)) );
    // Draw it FAST Please!
    // vidmem=(char *)0x000a0000+(page*20480);
    outp(SC_INDEX, 0x02);
    outp(SC_DATA, 0x01);
    copy1_cockpit((char *)(0x000a0000 + (page * 20480)));  // Rippin' fast asm bitplane 1 blit
    outp(SC_DATA, 0x02);
    copy2_cockpit((char *)(0x000a0000 + (page * 20480)));  // Rippin' fast asm bitplane 2 blit
    outp(SC_DATA, 0x04);
    copy3_cockpit((char *)(0x000a0000 + (page * 20480)));  // Rippin' fast asm bitplane 3 blit
    outp(SC_DATA, 0x08);
    copy4_cockpit((char *)(0x000a0000 + (page * 20480)));  // Rippin' fast asm bitplane 4 blit
    fg_restore(82, 238, 105, 119);
    fg_restore(49, 271, 120, 154);
    fg_restore(26, 294, 155, 196);
    fg_restore(58, 108, 197, 200); // Bottom of Left DDI
    fg_restore(210, 260, 197, 200); // Bottom of Left DDI

    // Let's paint an x marks the closest direction of travel to the
    // current target.
    if (gpt_selected && gpt_visable==NO && beginner_mode)
        fg_setclip(0, 319, 1, 239);

        Lx = gpt_x - Lmy_plane_x;
        Lz = gpt_z - Lmy_plane_z;
        Syaw = Satan2(Lx, Lz);
        Lcos(Syaw, Lcyaw);
        Lsin(Syaw, Lsyaw);
        if (Lx<-32767 || Lx>32767 || Lz<-32767 || Lz>32767)
            Lcyaw >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
            Lsyaw >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
            Spitch = Satan2(Lmy_plane_y - gpt_y, (LLabs(Lx * Lsyaw) + LLabs(Lz * Lcyaw) >> SHIFT_LO));
            Spitch = Satan2(Lmy_plane_y - gpt_y, (LLabs(Lx * Lsyaw) + LLabs(Lz * Lcyaw) >> SHIFT_HI));

        Sangle = Satan2((long)((short)(Syaw - Smy_plane_yaw)), (long)((short)(Spitch - Smy_plane_pitch)));
        Lsin(Sangle, Lsine);
        Lcos(Sangle, Lcosine);
        Lsxa = 256L * Lsine >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lsya = 256L * -Lcosine >> SHIFT_HI;

        Lsxb = Lsxa * Lmy_plane_croll + Lsya * Lmy_plane_sroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lsyb = Lsxa * -Lmy_plane_sroll + Lsya * Lmy_plane_croll >> SHIFT_HI;

        Lsxa = X_OFFSET;
        Lsya = y_offset;
        Lsxb += X_OFFSET;
        Lsyb += y_offset;
        // OK, we gotta find the intersection with the edge of the
        // screen. In other words, clip it.
        Lxa = 4L; // MINX
        //if (beginner_mode)
        Lya = 13L; // MINY
        //        Lya=4L;        // MINY
        Lxb = 315L; // MAXX
        if (y_offset==SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y)
            Lyb = 99L; // MAXY
            Lyb = 236L; // MAXY

        if (Lsxb<Lxa)
            INTERPOLATE(Lsyb, Lsxb, Lsya, Lsxa, Lxa, Lsyb);
            Lsxb = Lxa;
        if (Lsxb>Lxb)
            INTERPOLATE(Lsya, Lsxa, Lsyb, Lsxb, Lxb, Lsyb);
            Lsxb = Lxb;
        if (Lsyb<Lya)
            INTERPOLATE(Lsxb, Lsyb, Lsxa, Lsya, Lya, Lsxb);
            Lsyb = Lya;
        if (Lsyb>Lyb)
            INTERPOLATE(Lsxa, Lsya, Lsxb, Lsyb, Lyb, Lsxb);
            Lsyb = Lyb;

        fg_point(Lsxb - 1, Lsyb - 1);
        fg_point(Lsxb - 1, Lsyb + 1);
        fg_point(Lsxb - 2, Lsyb - 2);
        fg_point(Lsxb - 2, Lsyb + 2);
        fg_point(Lsxb, Lsyb);
        fg_point(Lsxb + 1, Lsyb - 1);
        fg_point(Lsxb + 1, Lsyb + 1);
        fg_point(Lsxb + 2, Lsyb - 2);
        fg_point(Lsxb + 2, Lsyb + 2);

    /* HUD area is: */
    fg_setclip(118, 202, 19, 100);

    /* Draw HUD weapon stuff*/
    if (ils || station_type[current_station]==M61A1 || station_type[current_station]==MK82 || station_type[current_station]==MK83 || station_type[current_station]==MK84)
        /* 40 frame per second maximum limitation */
        if (pipper_counter==39)
            pipper_counter = 0;

        Lpipper_tick[pipper_counter] = current_tick;
        Spipper_pitch[pipper_counter] = Smy_plane_pitch;
        Spipper_yaw[pipper_counter] = Smy_plane_yaw;

        /* convert distance to number of seconds ago */
        /* 4096 max distance...

        seconds ago = distance / 4096
        ticks ago = seconds ago * 1024
        ticks ago = (distance << 10L) / 4096
        ticks ago = (distance << 10L) >> 12L
        ticks ago = distance >> 2L

        /* ticks ago */
        ULgen = (TIMER_HZ * 2L) >> 2L; // 2048
        /* Actual clock tick to use */
        ULgen = Lpipper_tick[pipper_counter] - ULgen;
        ULgen2 = 0L;
        for (Igen = 0;Igen<40;Igen++)
            if (Lpipper_tick[Igen]<ULgen
                && Lpipper_tick[Igen]>ULgen2)
                ULgen2 = Lpipper_tick[Igen];
                Igen2 = Igen;

        /* Igen2 now contains the farthest value
        * and Igen2+1 is the nearest value.
        * Igen2+1 always exists and is safe to
        * use because it is always at least equal to pipper_counter
        * which is shown above. However, it must be in range from
        * 0-39.
        if (Igen2 + 1==40)
            Igen3 = 0;
            Igen3 = Igen2 + 1;

        /* Now we'll extrapolate the pitch and yaw. The ratio between the
        * two clock ticks:
        * Lpipper_tick[Igen2]
        * Lpipper_tick[Igen3]
        * is what we use for the extrapolation factor. This ratio is
        * stored in Lgen as a FPL of 10 bits
        * precision. 10 bits equals 1024 which is exactly equal to
        * the clock tick precision of one second. If we were
        * calculating a smaller distance then 1024 ticks away, it
        * would be even more accurate!
        ULgen2 = (long)(Lpipper_tick[Igen3] - Lpipper_tick[Igen2]);
        if (ULgen2==0)
            ULgen2 = 1;
        Lgen = (long)(((ULgen - Lpipper_tick[Igen2]) << 10L) / ULgen2);

        /* PITCH */
        /* Find difference or angle between the two */
        Sangle = Spipper_pitch[Igen3] - Spipper_pitch[Igen2];
        Lgen2 = (long)Sangle;

        /* Multiply by ratio */
        Lgen2 = (Lgen2 * Lgen) >> 10L;
        Sangle = (int)Lgen2;

        /* Add result to first angle */
        Sangle += Spipper_pitch[Igen2];

        /* YAW */
        /* Find difference or angle between the two */
        Sangle_2 = Spipper_yaw[Igen3] - Spipper_yaw[Igen2];
        Lgen2 = (long)Sangle_2;

        /* Multiply by ratio */
        Lgen2 = (Lgen2 * Lgen) >> 10L;
        Sangle_2 = (int)Lgen2;

        /* Add result to first angle */
        Sangle_2 += Spipper_yaw[Igen2];

        // Ltravel_distance=to radar distance?
        // If so, remember that we are using this formula for the
        // velocity vector used by the MK80 series cockpit HUD display so we
        // should make sure that this distance is set to 2048 when displaying
        // the MK80 series HUD display.
        if (gpt_selected && gpt_visable && gpt_distance<4096L && !ils)
            Ltravel_distance = gpt_distance;
            fg_move(189, 100);
            fg_drwimage(HUD_in_rng, 11, 12);
            Ltravel_distance = 2048L;

        /* The stalling part of the velocity vector */
        if (ils || station_type[current_station]==MK82 || station_type[current_station]==MK83 || station_type[current_station]==MK84)
            if (!my_plane_touchdown)
                if (Lmy_plane_velocity<Lstall_speed[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L])
                    // -45 degree aoa at 0 ft/sec and -15 aoa at stall
                    INTERPOLATE(-8192L, 0L, -2731L, Lstall_speed[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L], Lmy_plane_velocity, Lgen);
                    Sangle += Lgen;
                else if (Lmy_plane_velocity<Lstall_speed[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L] + 51L)
                    // -15 degree aoa at stall
                    INTERPOLATE(0L, Lstall_speed[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L] + 51L, -2731L, Lstall_speed[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L], Lmy_plane_velocity, Lgen);
                    Sangle += Lgen;
                Sangle = 0;

        Lcos(Sangle, Lcosine);
        Lsin(Sangle, Lsine);
        Lxa = Ltravel_distance * Lcosine >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lya = Ltravel_distance * Lsine >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lcos(Sangle_2, Lcosine);
        Lsin(Sangle_2, Lsine);
        Lz = Lmy_plane_z + (Lxa * Lcosine >> SHIFT_HI);
        Lx = Lmy_plane_x + (Lxa * Lsine >> SHIFT_HI);
        Ly = Lmy_plane_y - Lya;
        Lxa = Lx - Lview_x;
        Lya = Ly - Lview_y;
        Lza = Lz - Lview_z;
        Lxb = Lxa * T00 + Lya * T01 + Lza * T02; /* >>SHIFT_LO; */
        Lyb = Lxa * T10 + Lya * T11 + Lza * T12; /* >>SHIFT_LO; */
        Lzb = Lxa * T20 + Lya * T21 + Lza * T22; /* >>SHIFT_LO; */
        /* if (Lzb==0L) Lzb=1L; Will never be a Divide by zero here because pipper
        is always far in front and always 2048 away in front */
        if (Lzb==0L)
            Lzb = 1L; // With ILS and GP-BOMB it can!
        Isxa = (int)(DEPTH * Lxb / Lzb);
        Isya = (int)(DEPTH * Lyb / Lzb);

        if (station_type[current_station]==M61A1 && ils==OFF)
            fg_move(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
            // fg_circle(10);

            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 10, Isya + y_offset);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 10, Isya + y_offset);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset - 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset + 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 10, Isya + y_offset - 3);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 10, Isya + y_offset + 3);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 10, Isya + y_offset - 3);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 10, Isya + y_offset + 3);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 3, Isya + y_offset - 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 3, Isya + y_offset - 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 3, Isya + y_offset + 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 3, Isya + y_offset + 10);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 8, Isya + y_offset - 6);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 6, Isya + y_offset - 8);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 8, Isya + y_offset - 6);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 6, Isya + y_offset - 8);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 8, Isya + y_offset + 6);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET + 6, Isya + y_offset + 8);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 8, Isya + y_offset + 6);
            fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET - 6, Isya + y_offset + 8);

            fg_point(157, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
            fg_point(158, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
            fg_point(162, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
            fg_point(163, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM7M)
        fg_point(157, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(158, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(159, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 1);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(161, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 1);
        fg_point(162, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(163, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M)
        fg_point(157, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(158, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(159, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 1);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(161, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 1);
        fg_point(162, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(163, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM88A || station_type[current_station]==AGM65F || station_type[current_station]==M151 || station_type[current_station]==MK5)
        // Draw Center Cross Hairs
        fg_point(156, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(157, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(163, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(164, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y - 4);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y - 3);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 3);
        fg_point(160, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y + 4);

    if (ils)
        // Isxa, Isya were defined using the pipper location.
        // We'll use it for a velocity vector.
        fg_point(Isxa + 3 + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
        fg_point(Isxa - 3 + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
        fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya - 3 + y_offset);
        fg_move(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);

        // The AOA Bracket
        fg_move(155, 96);
        fg_drwimage(aoa_bracket, 2, 17);

        // ILS
        fg_move(189, 100);
        fg_drwimage(ILS_bitmap, 11, 5);

        // If within 60x60 mile grid or 30+ miles to runway, then
        // we draw deviation bars
        // ...But if in runway world map element box, then no
        // elevation bars are drawn.
        Lz = Lmy_plane_z - Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1];
        Lx = Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1];
        if (Lx>-158400L && Lx<158400L && Lz>-158400L && Lz<158400L && Lcurrent_element!=XZ_TO_ELEMENT(Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1], Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1]))
            // OK, let's find the line for the ILS
            if (Lmy_plane_z>Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1])
                // landing on runway 18

                // Calculate Vertical Deviation Bar
                Lgen = (Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1]) / 100L;

                // Calculate Horizontal Deviation Bar
                INTERPOLATE(0L, Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1] + 2560L, -30000L, Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1] + 2560L + 158400L, Lmy_plane_z, Lgen2);
                // landing on runway 00

                // Calculate Vertical Deviation Bar
                Lgen = (Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1]) / -100L;

                // Calculate Horizontal Deviation Bar
                INTERPOLATE(0L, Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1] - 2560L, -30000L, Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1] - 2560L - 158400L, Lmy_plane_z, Lgen2);

            // Draw Vertical Deviation Bar
            if (Lgen<-12)
                Lgen = -12;
            if (Lgen>12)
                Lgen = 12;

            // Line Style - 3333h = 0011 0011 0011 0011b = first 2 pixels off!
            fg_move(160 + Lgen, 75);
            fg_dash(160 + Lgen, 51, 0xAAAA);

            // Draw Horizontal Deviation Bar
            Lgen2 = Lmy_plane_y - Lgen2;
            Lgen2 /= -100L;
            if (Lgen2<-12)
                Lgen2 = -12;
            if (Lgen2>12)
                Lgen2 = 12;

            fg_move(148, 63 + Lgen2);
            fg_dash(172, 63 + Lgen2, 0xAAAA);

            // The center of HUD thingy - Watermark?
            fg_move(160, 60);
            fg_draw(160, 66);
            fg_move(157, 63);
            fg_draw(163, 63);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==MK82 || station_type[current_station]==MK83 || station_type[current_station]==MK84)
        // Calculate and display impact location on earth
        Lsin(Smy_plane_pitch, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Smy_plane_pitch, Lcpitch);
        Lsin(Smy_plane_roll, Lsroll);
        Lcos(Smy_plane_roll, Lcroll);

        // Calculate vertical velocity in ft/sec
        Fgen3 = (float)(Lmy_plane_velocity * -Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI);

        Fgen = Fgen3 * Fgen3;
        Fgen2 = 64.4F * (float)(-Lmy_plane_y);
        Lgen = (long)sqrt((double)(Fgen + Fgen2));

        // Calculate time from release to impact
        Fgen = (float)(Lgen + (Lmy_plane_velocity * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI)) / 32.2F;

        // Calculate total distance forward to hit impact zone
        // we don't divide by two here cause there is no foreward
        // accelleration formula involved!
        Lgen3 = (long)((float)(Lmy_plane_velocity * Lcpitch >> SHIFT_HI) * Fgen);

        // Translate earth impact coordinates to plane system for projection
        // Since the yaw can be completely and safely avoided, we will not
        // use it for our rotation matrix.
        TLtemp_00 = Lcroll;
        TLtemp_01 = Lsroll * Lcpitch >> SHIFT_HI;
        TLtemp_02 = Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI;
        TLtemp_10 = -Lsroll;
        TLtemp_11 = Lcroll * Lcpitch >> SHIFT_HI;
        TLtemp_12 = Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI;
        TLtemp_20 = 0L;
        TLtemp_21 = -Lspitch;
        TLtemp_22 = Lcpitch;
        TLtemp_00 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_01 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_02 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_10 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_11 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_12 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_20 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_21 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        TLtemp_22 >>= SHIFT_HI_LO;
        // Lxa = 0*TLtemp_00 + -Lmy_plane_y*TLtemp_01 + Lgen3*TLtemp_02 >>SHIFT_LO;
        // Lya = 0*TLtemp_10 + -Lmy_plane_y*TLtemp_11 + Lgen3*TLtemp_12 >>SHIFT_LO;
        // Lza = 0*TLtemp_20 + -Lmy_plane_y*TLtemp_21 + Lgen3*TLtemp_22 >>SHIFT_LO;
        Lxa = -Lmy_plane_y * TLtemp_01 + Lgen3 * TLtemp_02 >> SHIFT_LO;
        Lya = -Lmy_plane_y * TLtemp_11 + Lgen3 * TLtemp_12 >> SHIFT_LO;
        Lza = -Lmy_plane_y * TLtemp_21 + Lgen3 * TLtemp_22 >> SHIFT_LO;

        // Isxa, Isya were defined using the pipper location.
        // We'll use it for a velocity vector.
        fg_point(Isxa + 3 + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
        fg_point(Isxa - 3 + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
        fg_point(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya - 3 + y_offset);
        fg_move(Isxa + X_OFFSET, Isya + y_offset);
        // if (Lza<1) Lza=1;
        if (Lza==0L)
            Lza = 1;
        else if (Lza<0L)
            Lza = -Lza;
        // Save it.
        bomb_x = (DEPTH * Lxa / Lza) + X_OFFSET;
        bomb_y = (DEPTH * Lya / Lza) + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y;
        fg_draw(bomb_x, bomb_y);

        // fg_circle(3);
        fg_moverel(-2, -2);
        fg_drawrel(4, 4);
        fg_moverel(0, -4);
        fg_drawrel(-4, 4);

        fg_point(X_OFFSET - 3, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(X_OFFSET - 2, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(X_OFFSET + 2, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(X_OFFSET + 3, SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);

    // If we got a target, we'll add the stuff to the HUD
    if (gpt_visable)
        // Draw the target designator box
        fg_box(gpt_sx - 4L + X_OFFSET, gpt_sx + 4L + X_OFFSET, gpt_sy - 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y, gpt_sy + 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y);

        // Display shoot also!
        // Save it.
        pipper_x = Isxa + X_OFFSET;
        pipper_y = Isya + y_offset;
        if (current_window==WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN)  // Need to display SHOOT
            if (page==0)
                // Display SHOOT at bottom of HUD
                fg_move(151, 100);
                fg_drwimage(bitmap_shoot, 19, 5);

        // Draw the target designator box directional line
        // (gpt_sx+X_OFFSET)-X_OFFSET, (gpt_sy+SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y)-30
        Sangle = Satan2(gpt_sx, gpt_sy + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y - 30L);
        Lsin(Sangle, Lsine);
        Lcos(Sangle, Lcosine);
        Lsxa = 12 * Lsine >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lsya = 12 * Lcosine >> SHIFT_HI;
        fg_move(X_OFFSET, 30);
        fg_drawrel(Lsxa, Lsya);

        if (gpt_in_rng && !ils)
            fg_move(189, 100);
            fg_drwimage(HUD_in_rng, 11, 12);
        if (gpt_lockable)
            fg_move(gpt_sx + X_OFFSET, gpt_sy + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y - 5L);
            fg_drawrel(5, 5);
            fg_drawrel(-5, 5);
            fg_drawrel(-5, -5);
            fg_drawrel(5, -5);

    /* Full Screen Access Now */
    fg_setclip(0, 319, 0, 239);

    if (ils)
        // Calculate if within 10 degrees to runway center
        Sangle = Satan2(Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1] - Lmy_plane_x, Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1] - Lmy_plane_z);
        if ((Sangle>=(-10 * 182) && Sangle<=(10 * 182)) ||
            (Sangle>=(170 * 182) || Sangle<=(-170 * 182)))
            // Calculate feet to runway center
            Fgen = (float)(Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1]) * (float)(Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[num_waypoints-1]);
            Fgen2 = (float)(Lmy_plane_z - Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1]) * (float)(Lmy_plane_z - Lwaypoint_z[num_waypoints-1]);
            Lgen = (long)sqrt((double)(Fgen + Fgen2));

            if (Lgen<2860L) // 256*10 = edge of runway + 300
                // 300 feet from edge of runway
                fg_rect(100, 103, 123, 124);
            else if (Lgen<6560L) // 256*10 = edge of runway + 4000
                // Middle one is lit
                fg_rect(100, 103, 128, 129);
            else if (Lgen<65920L) // 256*10 = edge of runway + 12 miles
                // Bottom one is lit
                fg_rect(100, 103, 133, 134);

    if (update_RPM)
        if (update_RPM==STAGE_2)
            update_RPM = NO;
            update_RPM = STAGE_2;

        if (my_plane_eng_1_AFB)
            fg_transfer(108, 123, 0, 4, 212, 125, 2, 2);
            // RPM%
            fg_move(212, 125);
            fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(my_plane_eng_1_RPM/100)%10], 3, 5);
            fg_move(216, 125);
            fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(my_plane_eng_1_RPM/10)%10], 3, 5);
            fg_move(220, 125);
            fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[my_plane_eng_1_RPM%10], 3, 5);
            fg_transfer(40, 42, 6, 10, 224, 125, 2, 2); // Redisplay that % sign

    /* Display Pounds of Fuel Of Current Fuel Tank */
    if (current_fuel_tank==INTERNAL)
        Lgen = (long)Imy_plane_int_fuel_weight;
        Lgen = (long)Imy_plane_ext_fuel_weight;
    fg_move(208, 131);
    fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(Lgen/10000)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(212, 131);
    fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(Lgen/1000)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(216, 131);
    fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(Lgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(220, 131);
    fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[(Lgen/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(224, 131);
    fg_putimage(cockpit_digit_ptr[Lgen%10], 3, 5);

    Lmy_plane_weight = MY_PLANE_EMPTY_WEIGHT + Imy_plane_int_fuel_weight + Imy_plane_ext_fuel_weight + Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel;

    /* HUD area is: */
    fg_setclip(118, 202, 19, 100);

    /* MACH indicator */
    Igen = (int)(Lmy_plane_velocity * 100L) / MACH[-Lmy_plane_y/1000L];
    /* Decimal point */
    fg_point(129, 86);
    if (Igen>99)
        fg_move(125, 86);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/100)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(131, 86);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(135, 86);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[Igen%10], 3, 5);

    // Draw the M for MACH and G for G force, on the HUD
    fg_move(120, 93);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_m_g, 3, 12);

    /* G indicator */
    // Well, our flight model is innaccurate, so let's say that
    // IFP_current_g_force will not display anything greater than 9.0!
    if (IFP_current_g_force>90)
        IFP_current_g_force = 90;
    if (IFP_current_g_force<0)
        /* Negative sign */
        fg_point(126, 91);
        fg_point(127, 91);
        Igen = -IFP_current_g_force;
        Igen = IFP_current_g_force;
    /* Decimal point */
    fg_point(133, 93);
    fg_move(129, 93);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(135, 93);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[Igen%10], 3, 5);

    /* Altitude */
    Lgen = -(Lmy_plane_y + 6L);
    if (Lgen>9999L)
        fg_move(185, 58);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Lgen/10000)%10], 3, 5);
    if (Lgen>999L)
        fg_move(189, 58);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Lgen/1000)%10], 3, 5);
    if (Lgen>99L)
        fg_move(193, 58);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Lgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
    if (Lgen>9L)
        fg_move(197, 58);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Lgen/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(201, 58);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[Lgen%10], 3, 5);

    /* KNOTS */
    Igen = (int)(Lmy_plane_velocity * 4857L >> 13L);
    if (Igen<0)
        Igen = 0;
    Igen2 = 118;
    if (Igen>999)
        fg_move(118, 58);
        Igen2 += 4;
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/1000)%10], 3, 5);
    if (Igen>99)
        fg_move(Igen2, 58);
        Igen2 += 4;
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/100)%10], 3, 5);
    if (Igen>9)
        fg_move(Igen2, 58);
        Igen2 += 4;
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Igen/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(Igen2, 58);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[Igen%10], 3, 5);

    /* VSI: Vertical Speed Indicator */
    fg_point(129, 100); /* Decimal point */
    if (IFP_VSI<0)
        /* Negitive sign and first charcter placement on the x axis */
        IFP_VSI = -IFP_VSI;
        fg_point(118, 98);
        fg_point(119, 98);
    if (IFP_VSI>999)
        fg_move(121, 100);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(IFP_VSI/1000)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(125, 100);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(IFP_VSI/100)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(131, 100);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(IFP_VSI/10)%10], 3, 5);
    fg_move(135, 100);
    fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[IFP_VSI%10], 3, 5);

    /* HUD Pitch Ladder Limits */

    // Make drawing of 0 pitch rungs look nice at small variations in roll
    if (Smy_plane_roll>-364 && Smy_plane_roll<364)
        Lsroll = 0L;
        Lcroll = 16384L;
        Lsin(Smy_plane_roll, Lsroll);
        Lcos(Smy_plane_roll, Lcroll);

    // From 'center' of HUD to beginning of line
    Lsxa = (-5L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) + X_OFFSET;
    Lsya = (5L * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + y_offset;
    Lsxb = (5L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) + X_OFFSET;
    Lsyb = (-5L * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + y_offset;

    // Hash marks - relative
    Isxa = 3L * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
    Isya = 3L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

    // Calculate relative location of a digit after Isxa, Isya
    // Left positive numbers
    Lx3 = (-4L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) - 1L;
    Ly3 = (-4L * -Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + 2L;
    // Right positive numbers
    Lx4 = (4L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) - 1L;
    Ly4 = (4L * -Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + 2L;
    // Left negative numbers
    Lx5 = (-6L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) - 2L;
    Ly5 = (-6L * -Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + 2L;
    // Right negative numbers
    Lx6 = (6L * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI) - 2L;
    Ly6 = (6L * -Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI) + 2L;

    // A little pre-calc for nanosecond time savings and less code
    Lxc = -9 * Lcroll;
    Lyc = -9 * -Lsroll;
    Lxd = 9 * Lcroll;
    Lyd = 9 * -Lsroll;

    /* +80 */
    Sgen = Smy_plane_pitch - 14564;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + (Lsroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + (Lcroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + (Lsroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + (Lcroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_8, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_8, 3, 5);

    /* +70 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + 14 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + 14 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + 14 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + 14 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_7, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_7, 3, 5);

    /* +60 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + 12 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + 12 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + 12 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + 12 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_6, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_6, 3, 5);

    /* +50 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + 10 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + 10 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + 10 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + 10 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_5, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_5, 3, 5);

    /* +40 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + (Lsroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + (Lcroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + (Lsroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + (Lcroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_4, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_4, 3, 5);

    /* +30 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + 6 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + 6 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + 6 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + 6 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_3, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_3, 3, 5);

    /* +20 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_2, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_2, 3, 5);

    /* +10 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc + (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc + (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd + (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd + (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_1, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_1, 3, 5);

    /* 0 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx1, Ly1);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx3, Ly3);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_0, 3, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_drawrel(Lx2, Ly2);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx4, Ly4);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_0, 3, 5);

    /* -10 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_1, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_1, 6, 5);

    /* -20 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - (Lsroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - (Lcroll << 2L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_2, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_2, 6, 5);

    /* -30 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - 6 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - 6 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - 6 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - 6 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_3, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_3, 6, 5);

    /* -40 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - (Lsroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - (Lcroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - (Lsroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - (Lcroll << 3L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_4, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_4, 6, 5);

    /* -50 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - 10 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - 10 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - 10 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - 10 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_5, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_5, 6, 5);

    /* -60 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - 12 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - 12 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - 12 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - 12 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_6, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_6, 6, 5);

    /* -70 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - 14 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - 14 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - 14 * Lsroll >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - 14 * Lcroll >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_7, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_7, 6, 5);

    /* -80 */
    Sgen += 1820;
    if (Sgen>-3640 && Sgen<3640)
        // Calculate center offset of pitch ladder rung based on
        // pitch and roll
        Lsin(Sgen, Lspitch);
        Lcos(Sgen, Lcpitch);
        if (Lcpitch==0L)
            Lcpitch = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
        Lxa = DEPTH * (Lsroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;
        Lya = DEPTH * (Lcroll * Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI) / Lcpitch;

        // Calculate rung bend locations for this pitch angle
        Lx1 = Lxc - (Lsroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly1 = Lyc - (Lcroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Lx2 = Lxd - (Lsroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;
        Ly2 = Lyd - (Lcroll << 4L) >> SHIFT_HI;

        // Draw those lines
        fg_move(Lsxa + Lxa, Lsya + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx1, Ly1, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx5, Ly5);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_8, 6, 5);
        fg_move(Lsxb + Lxa, Lsyb + Lya);
        fg_dashrel(Lx2, Ly2, 0x3333);
        fg_drawrel(Isxa, Isya);
        fg_moverel(Lx6, Ly6);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_neg_digit_8, 6, 5);

    /* HUD area is: Heading Slide Rule type thing. */
    fg_setclip(118, 202, 19, 100);

    // Find the relative yaw angle to the nearest 10 degree marker.
    // For example, we are facing 30 yaw and want to find 20 degrees,
    // so 20 degree's relative to 30 is -10 degree's. We use -10 for
    // the following formula.  20-30=-10. Also 30 degree's is 0 relative
    // to center of our slide rule thingy. If we were facing 31 degree's,
    // then our relative position to 30 degree's would be  -1. If we
    // were facing 29 degree's, then our relative position to 30 degree's
    // would be 1. OK, last, but not least, we need to keep track of
    // what directional points are what, so we can add numbers to the
    // points. This is simple! Sgen, below, contians,
    // our relative angle and so we add this to our "nearest to center"
    // angle.

    // To find out how far an exact replication of 5 degree is, we do
    // this:  DEPTH*sin(5)/cos(5) - DEPTH*sin(0)/cos(0)
    //        160 * 0.0871557427477/0.9961946980917 = 13.998179 or 14

    // Find our yaw of 0 - 359
    if (Smy_plane_yaw>0)
        Igen = Smy_plane_yaw / 182;
        Igen = (((long)Smy_plane_yaw + 65536L) / 182L);
    Igen %= 360;

    // 0-355 at 5 degree increments. However, when
    // Igen is originally at 4, we get 0. This is OK,
    // and makes for simpler equations. 3 on the left and 4 on the right
    Sgen = (short)((Igen / 5) * 5);
    Sgen2 = (Sgen * 182) - Smy_plane_yaw;

    // OK, now we find the X offset based on our nearest 5 increment yaw.
    Lsin(Sgen2, Lsyaw);
    Lcos(Sgen2, Lcyaw);
    if (Lcyaw==0L)
        Lcyaw = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
    Lxa = DEPTH * Lsyaw / Lcyaw + X_OFFSET;

    When Perspective DEPTH is 160 Lxa+=14
    When Perspective DEPTH is 200 Lxa+=17.5
    When Perspective DEPTH is 240 Lxa+=21
    When Perspective DEPTH is 320 Lxa+=28
    Sgen -= 5;
    if (Sgen==-10)
        Sgen = 350;
    Lxa -= 17;
    fg_point(Lxa, 28);
    fg_point(Lxa, 27);
    if (!(Sgen & 1)) // Draw digits above 10 degree marks only
        fg_move(Lxa - 3, 25);
        fg_clpimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_moverel(4, 0);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/10)%10], 3, 5);

    // 0
    Sgen += 5;
    if (Sgen==360)
        Sgen = 0;
    Lxa += 17;
    fg_point(Lxa, 28);
    fg_point(Lxa, 27);
    if (!(Sgen & 1)) // Draw digits above 10 degree marks only
        fg_move(Lxa - 3, 25);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_moverel(4, 0);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/10)%10], 3, 5);

    // 5
    Sgen += 5;
    if (Sgen==360)
        Sgen = 0;
    Lxa += 17;
    fg_point(Lxa, 28);
    fg_point(Lxa, 27);
    if (!(Sgen & 1)) // Draw digits above 10 degree marks only
        fg_move(Lxa - 3, 25);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_moverel(4, 0);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/10)%10], 3, 5);

    // 10
    Sgen += 5;
    if (Sgen==360)
        Sgen = 0;
    // else if (Sgen==370) Sgen=10;
    Lxa += 17;
    fg_point(Lxa, 28);
    fg_point(Lxa, 27);
    if (!(Sgen & 1)) // Draw digits above 10 degree marks only
        fg_move(Lxa - 3, 25);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/100)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_moverel(4, 0);
        fg_drwimage(HUD_digit_ptr[(Sgen/10)%10], 3, 5);

    // Current Heading Marker
    fg_point(X_OFFSET, 29);
    fg_point(X_OFFSET - 1, 30);
    fg_point(X_OFFSET + 1, 30);
    fg_point(X_OFFSET, 31);

    // Waypoint Marker
    Sgen = Swaypoint_angle - Smy_plane_yaw;
    Lsin(Sgen, Lsyaw);
    Lcos(Sgen, Lcyaw);
    if (Lcyaw==0L)
        Lcyaw = 1L; // Avoid divide by zero
    Lxa = DEPTH * Lsyaw / Lcyaw + X_OFFSET;
    if (Sgen<0)
        // NOTE: Lxa<=118 comes last
        if (Sgen<-4096 || Lxa<=118)
            fg_point(118, 27);
            fg_point(119, 28);
            fg_point(120, 27);
            fg_point(Lxa - 1, 27);
            fg_point(Lxa, 28);
            fg_point(Lxa + 1, 27);
        // NOTE: Lxa>=202 comes last
        if (Sgen>4096 || Lxa>=202)
            fg_point(200, 27);
            fg_point(201, 28);
            fg_point(202, 27);
            fg_point(Lxa - 1, 27);
            fg_point(Lxa, 28);
            fg_point(Lxa + 1, 27);

    // Map Time
    Swaypoint_angle = Satan2(Lwaypoint_x[current_waypoint] - Lmy_plane_x, Lwaypoint_z[current_waypoint] - Lmy_plane_z);
    // Just remember that Swaypoint_angle is only correct when the
    // cockpit is currently displayed on the screen
    Lsin(Swaypoint_angle, Lsine);
    Lcos(Swaypoint_angle, Lcosine);
    map_waypoint_x = 15 * Lsine >> SHIFT_HI;
    map_waypoint_z = -15 * Lcosine >> SHIFT_HI;
    map_heading_x = 7 * Lsyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    map_heading_z = -7 * Lcyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    if (map_heading_x!=last_map_heading_x || map_heading_z!=last_map_heading_z ||
        map_waypoint_x!=last_map_waypoint_x || map_waypoint_z!=last_map_waypoint_z)
        last_map_waypoint_x = map_waypoint_x;
        last_map_waypoint_z = map_waypoint_z;
        last_map_heading_x = map_heading_x;
        last_map_heading_z = map_heading_z;
        update_map_heading = YES;
    if (last_center_element!=Lcenter_element)
        last_center_element = Lcenter_element;
        update_map = YES;
    if (update_map)
        update_map_heading = update_map = NO;

        fg_setclip(MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXX, MAP_MINY, MAP_MAXY);

        // We already got Lcenter_element from the previous
        // frame which was calculated in Draw_World.
        map_center_element = Lcenter_element;
        // Check the stats of map_x and map_z to see if they are feasable
        map_center_element += (map_x * 2);
        map_center_element += (map_z * 510);

        // Clear the entire map display
        // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(120);
        fg_rect(MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXX, MAP_MINY, MAP_MAXY);
        // 17*17 map grid and 3 pixels per box. 961-(17*17)=672
        for (loop_var = 672;loop_var<961;loop_var++)
            // Current scenery object at proper location.
            Lx = (long)(drawing_sequence_lookup[loop_var] % 31);
            // Avoid drawing un-wanted scenery on the X axis
            if (map_x + (Lview_x / 8192L) - 15L + Lx<0L || map_x + (Lview_x / 8192L) - 15L + Lx>126L)
            Lz = (long)(drawing_sequence_lookup[loop_var] / 31);
            Lcurrent_element = map_center_element - ((15L - Lx) << 1L) - ((15L - Lz) * 510L);
            // Avoid drawing un-wanted scenery on the Z axis
            if (Lcurrent_element<256L || Lcurrent_element>64768L)

            // Move to location of scenery box on the map
            Lx -= 15;
            Lz -= 15;
            Lx *= 3;
            Lz *= 3;
            Lx += MAP_CENTER_X;
            Lz += MAP_CENTER_Y;

            // Move to MAP offset of scenery box
            fg_move(Lx, Lz);

            // MOUNTAIN
            if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]<32)
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element] & AA)
                    // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor( (int)world_map[Lcurrent_element-1]+100 );
                    if ( ((Igen/2)&1) )
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
                    // fg_point(Lx-1,Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                    // fg_point(Lx,Lz-1);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element] & BB)
                    // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor( (int)world_map[Lcurrent_element+1]+100 );
                    if ( ((Igen/2)&1) )
                    // fg_point(Lx,Lz+1);
                    // fg_point(Lx+1,Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element] & CC)
                    // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor( (int)world_map[Lcurrent_element+255]+100 );
                    if ( ((Igen/2)&1) )
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
                    // fg_point(Lx-1,Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                    // fg_point(Lx,Lz+1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element] & DD)
                    // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor( (int)world_map[Lcurrent_element-255]+100 );
                    if ( ((Igen/2)&1) )
                    // fg_point(Lx,Lz-1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                    // fg_point(Lx+1,Lz);
            // LAKE
            else if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]<37)
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor( 138 );

                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==LAKEA)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==LAKEB)
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==LAKEC)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==LAKED)
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==LAKEBOX)
                    fg_clprect(Lx - 1, Lx + 1, Lz - 1, Lz + 1);
            // NSBRIDGE
            else if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==NSBRIDGE)
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(138);
                fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(137);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
            // WEBRIDGE
            else if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==WEBRIDGE)
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(138);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(137);
                fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
            // ROAD
            else if ((world_map[Lcurrent_element]>45 && world_map[Lcurrent_element]<63) ||
                (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==WEAPONS_FACTORY) ||
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(137);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz);

                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD3 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD9 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD12 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD13 ||
                    world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD14 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD15 ||
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD2 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD8 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD16)
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD4 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD6 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD9 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD10 ||
                    world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD11 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD12 ||
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD1 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD13 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD17)
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD3 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD6 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD7 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD8 ||
                    world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD9 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD15 ||
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD2 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD11 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD14)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD4 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD6 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD12 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD15 ||
                    world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD16 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD17 ||
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD1 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD7 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==ROAD10)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
            // RIVER
            else if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]>64 && world_map[Lcurrent_element]<77)
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(138);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz);

                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER3 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER9 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER10)
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER2 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER6 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER11)
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER4 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER7 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER8)
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER1 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER9 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER12)
                    fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER3 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER6)
                    fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER2 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER8 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER10)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER4 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER11 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER12)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER1 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER5 || world_map[Lcurrent_element]==RIVER7)
                    fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
            else if (world_map[Lcurrent_element]==FRIENDLY_AIRPORT)
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(139);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz - 1);
                fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz + 1);
                fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz + 1);
                fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz - 1);
                // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(137);
                fg_point(Lx - 1, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx + 1, Lz);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz - 1);
                fg_point(Lx, Lz + 1);
        fg_setcolor(DISPLAY_FG_COLOR + 1);
        fg_tcxfer(240, 284, 0, 34, 136, 239, 2, page);

        // Your current location circle thingy
        fg_move(MAP_CENTER_X, MAP_CENTER_Y);

        // Save the map to hidden page
        fg_save(MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXX, MAP_MINY, MAP_MAXY);

        // Welp, since we changed the map, we gotta draw the
        // heading markers as well BUT AFTER we save the above
        // configuration to the hidden page.
        // Draw the current heading indicator
        fg_move(MAP_CENTER_X + map_heading_x, MAP_CENTER_Y + map_heading_z);
        fg_drawrel(map_heading_x, map_heading_z);

        // Draw the current waypoint indicator
        fg_move(MAP_CENTER_X + map_waypoint_x, MAP_CENTER_Y + map_waypoint_z);

        // Transfer this screen to the other one.
        fg_transfer(MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXX, MAP_MINY, MAP_MAXY, MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXY, page, 1 - page);
    // Update the heading info if we have to
    if (update_map_heading)
        fg_setcolor(DISPLAY_FG_COLOR + 1);
        fg_setclip(MAP_MINX, MAP_MAXX, MAP_MINY, MAP_MAXY);

        update_map_heading = NO;

        // Restore the area of the INTERIOR OF THE COMPASS to the
        // extents of the directional lines
        fg_restore(142, 176, 210, 239);

        // Draw the current heading indicator
        // OBSOLETE fg_setcolor(MAP_COLOR);
        fg_move(MAP_CENTER_X + map_heading_x, MAP_CENTER_Y + map_heading_z);
        fg_drawrel(map_heading_x, map_heading_z);

        // Draw the current waypoint indicator
        fg_move(MAP_CENTER_X + map_waypoint_x, MAP_CENTER_Y + map_waypoint_z);

        // Transfer this altered screen to the other one.
        fg_transfer(142, 176, 210, 239, 142, 239, page, 1 - page);


    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    update_stores_display = YES;

    if (station_number[current_station]==0)
        // OK, let's see if there are any other stations available
        // of the same type and switch current_station if so.
        for (loop_var = 1;loop_var<10;loop_var++)
            if (station_type[loop_var]==station_type[current_station] &&
                current_station = (int)loop_var;

    if (station_type[current_station]==NONE || station_type[current_station]==EXTERNAL_FUEL)
        current_station_type = NONE;
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M || station_type[current_station]==AIM7M || station_type[current_station]==M61A1)
        current_station_type = A_A;
        current_station_type = A_G;

    /* Weight of stations */
    Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel = 0L;
    for (loop_var = 1;loop_var<=9;loop_var++)
        if (station_type[loop_var]==NONE)
        if (station_type[loop_var]==AIM9M)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_AIM9M);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==AIM7M)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_AIM7M);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==AGM65F)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_AGM65F);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==AGM88A)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_AGM88A);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==MK82)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_MK82);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==MK83)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_MK83);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==MK84)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_MK84);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==M151)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_M151);
        if (station_type[loop_var]==MK5)
            Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel += (station_number[loop_var] * WEIGHT_MK5);
        // We don't compute EXTERNAL_FUEL weight for this variable!
        // if (station_type[loop_var]==EXTERNAL_FUEL) Lweight_stations_not_ext_fuel+=(station_number[loop_var]*Imy_plane_ext_fuel_weight);

    // OK, this is where we copy the current weapon type and number info
    // to the cockpit... to the hidden page!
    // Calc number of weapons of current type on board and store in
    // Igen2
    Igen2 = 0;
    for (Igen = 1;Igen<10;Igen++)
        if (station_type[Igen]==station_type[current_station])
            Igen2 += station_number[Igen];
    if (station_type[current_station]==M61A1)
        if (current_weapon_mode==A_A)
        fg_transfer(0,50,24,28, 132,115, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0,50,24,28, 132,115, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 24, 28, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(152, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(station_number[current_station]/100)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(station_number[current_station]/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[station_number[current_station]%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,29,33, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 30, 34, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM7M)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,35,39, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 36, 40, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM65F)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,41,45, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 42, 46, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(164, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM88A)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,47,51, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 48, 52, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(164, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==MK82)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,53,57, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 54, 58, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(Igen2/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==MK83)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,59,63, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 60, 64, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(Igen2/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==MK84)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,65,69, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 66, 70, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(Igen2/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==M151)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,71,75, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 72, 76, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(Igen2/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(160, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==MK5)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,77,81, 135,129, 2,2);
        fg_transfer(0, 50, 78, 82, 132, 115, 2, 2);

        fg_move(152, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[(Igen2/10)%10], 3, 5);
        fg_move(156, 115);
        fg_putimage(weapon_digit_ptr[Igen2%10], 3, 5);
    else if (station_type[current_station]==NONE || station_type[current_station]==EXTERNAL_FUEL)
        // Problem! fg_transfer(23,73,17,21, 135,129, 2,2);

Init_DDI(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;


    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        fg_rect(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        fg_rect(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==RADAR) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==RADAR))
        // Cursor in middle of DDI
        /* Nada
        // Don't change color yet, we'll add range marks now
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y - 11);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y + 10);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y + 20);

        // Still don't change color, we'll add 30 degree elevation
        // marks now
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 14);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 24, DDI_CENTER_Y - 14);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 24, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 13);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 24, DDI_CENTER_Y + 13);

        // Now we'll add the 30 degree azimuth marks
        fg_move(ddi_center_x - 14, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x - 14, DDI_CENTER_Y + 20);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y + 20);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x + 14, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x + 14, DDI_CENTER_Y + 20);
        // Now we'll add the range line
        fg_move(ddi_center_x + 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x + 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 20);

        sprintf(buffer, "%2d", radar_range);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 16, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 2);

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==WAYPOINTS) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==WAYPOINTS))
        if (num_waypoints==1)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, " 1 WAYPOINT", 11);
            // disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y-13, ?, 11);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6, "HEADING:", 8);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 8, "1: HOMEBASE", 11);
            sprintf(buffer, "%2d WAYPOINTS", num_waypoints);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 12);
            // disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y-13, ?, 11);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6, "HEADING:", 8);

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==THREAT) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==THREAT))
        // The circles and lines
        fg_move(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20);
        fg_drawrel(0, 40);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x - 20, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_drawrel(40, 0);

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==STORES) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==STORES))
        // Draw triangle line
        fg_move(ddi_center_x - 24, DDI_CENTER_Y + 9);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y - 15);
        fg_draw(ddi_center_x + 24, DDI_CENTER_Y + 9);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 12);

        // Draw station armament
        draw_ddi_station(1, ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 12);
        draw_ddi_station(2, ddi_center_x - 19, DDI_CENTER_Y + 6);
        draw_ddi_station(3, ddi_center_x - 13, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        draw_ddi_station(4, ddi_center_x - 7, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6);
        draw_ddi_station(5, ddi_center_x - 1, DDI_CENTER_Y - 11);
        draw_ddi_station(6, ddi_center_x + 5, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6);
        draw_ddi_station(7, ddi_center_x + 11, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        draw_ddi_station(8, ddi_center_x + 17, DDI_CENTER_Y + 6);
        draw_ddi_station(9, ddi_center_x + 23, DDI_CENTER_Y + 12);

        // Draw A-A or A-G or nothing
        if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M || station_type[current_station]==AIM7M)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 16, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "A", 1);
            fg_point(ddi_center_x + 20, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
            fg_point(ddi_center_x + 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 23, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "A", 1);
        else if (station_type[current_station]!=M61A1 && station_type[current_station]!=NONE && station_type[current_station]!=EXTERNAL_FUEL)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 16, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "A", 1);
            fg_point(ddi_center_x + 20, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
            fg_point(ddi_center_x + 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 22);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 23, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "G", 1);

        // Draw CHF and FLR stuff
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 23, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, "CHF", 3);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 12, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, ":", 1);
        sprintf(buffer, "%2d ", my_plane_num_chaffs);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 9, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, buffer, 2);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 3, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, "FLR", 3);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 14, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, ":", 1);
        sprintf(buffer, "%2d ", my_plane_num_flares);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 17, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, buffer, 2);

        // Calc number of weapons of current type on board and store
        // in Igen2
        Igen2 = 0;
        for (Igen = 0;Igen<10;Igen++)
            if (station_type[Igen]==station_type[current_station])
                Igen2 += station_number[Igen];

        // Draw armament designation and number remaining if neccessary
        if (station_type[current_station]==NONE)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "---", 3);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==M61A1)
            sprintf(buffer, "M61:%-3d   ", station_number[current_station]);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M)
            //sprintf(buffer,"AIM9M:%-3d ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "AIM9M:%-3d ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM7M)
            //sprintf(buffer,"AIM7M:%-3d ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "AIM7M:%-3d ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM65F)
            sprintf(buffer, "AGM65F:%-3d", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM88A)
            sprintf(buffer, "AGM88A:%-3d", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==MK82)
            //sprintf(buffer,"MK82:%-3d  ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "MK82:%-3d  ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==MK83)
            //sprintf(buffer,"MK83:%-3d  ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "MK83:%-3d  ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==MK84)
            //sprintf(buffer,"MK84:%-3d  ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "MK84:%-3d  ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==M151)
            //sprintf(buffer,"M151:%-3d  ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "M151:%-3d  ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==MK5)
            //sprintf(buffer,"MK5:%-3d   ",station_number[current_station]);
            sprintf(buffer, "MK5:%-3d   ", Igen2);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, buffer, 10);
        else if (station_type[current_station]==EXTERNAL_FUEL)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "EXT FUEL  ", 10);

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==TARGET) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==TARGET))
        safe_to_average_closure_rate = average_closure_rate_counter = 0;

    if ((on_left && left_ddi==INFRARED) || (on_left==NO && right_ddi==INFRARED))
        fg_move(ddi_center_x - 20, DDI_CENTER_Y);
        fg_drawrel(19, 0);
        fg_moverel(2, 0);
        fg_drawrel(19, 0);
        fg_move(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20);
        fg_drawrel(0, 19);
        fg_moverel(0, 2);
        fg_drawrel(0, 19);


    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (left_ddi==STORES)
    else if (left_ddi==RADAR)
    else if (left_ddi==THREAT)
    else if (left_ddi==WAYPOINTS)
    else if (left_ddi==TARGET)

    if (right_ddi==STORES)
    else if (right_ddi==RADAR)
    else if (right_ddi==THREAT)
    else if (right_ddi==WAYPOINTS)
    else if (right_ddi==TARGET)

    // We do this last because the previous displays rely on an unaltered
    // state from Set_View(). However, Draw_Infrared() changes these
    // states.
    if (left_ddi==INFRARED)
    if (right_ddi==INFRARED)

Draw_Radar(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;


    // if gpt_selected and on radar... draw sinlge blip, set "TRAK",
    // and draw static elevation and azimuth indicators.
    // To do this right, draw the blip first and check Lsxa, Lsya as
    // set by Draw_Radar_Blip()
    Lsxa = Lsya = -1000;
    if (gpt_selected && current_weapon_mode==A_A)
        if (sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].exist &&
            sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L &&
            Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lx, sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Ly, sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))

            if (Lsxa>=ddi_center_x - 25 && Lsxa<=ddi_center_x + 25 && Lsya>=DDI_CENTER_Y - 25 && Lsya<=DDI_CENTER_Y + 25)
                // Set "TRAK", draw static elevation and azimuth indicators
                // and get lost.

                fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lsxa, DDI_CENTER_Y + 21);
                fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lsxa - 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);
                fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lsxa + 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);

                fg_point(ddi_center_x - 23, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lsya - 1);
                fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lsya - 1 - 1);
                fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lsya + 1 - 1);

                disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "TRAK", 4);


    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "SCAN", 4);

    // Let's draw them bogies and friendlies blips if needed
    if (sim_plane[0].exist && sim_plane[0].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L && Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[0].Lx, sim_plane[0].Ly, sim_plane[0].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (sim_plane[1].exist && sim_plane[1].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L && Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[1].Lx, sim_plane[1].Ly, sim_plane[1].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (sim_plane[2].exist && sim_plane[2].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L && Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[2].Lx, sim_plane[2].Ly, sim_plane[2].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (sim_plane[3].exist && sim_plane[3].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L && Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[3].Lx, sim_plane[3].Ly, sim_plane[3].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (sim_plane[4].exist && sim_plane[4].distance_to_my_plane<=radar_range * 6080L && Check_Gimbal(sim_plane[4].Lx, sim_plane[4].Ly, sim_plane[4].Lz, Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))

    // Let's draw our missles blips
    if (missle_stats[0] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[0], Lmissle_y[0], Lmissle_z[0], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[1] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[1], Lmissle_y[1], Lmissle_z[1], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[2] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[2], Lmissle_y[2], Lmissle_z[2], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[3] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[3], Lmissle_y[3], Lmissle_z[3], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[4] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[4], Lmissle_y[4], Lmissle_z[4], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[5] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[5], Lmissle_y[5], Lmissle_z[5], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[6] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[6], Lmissle_y[6], Lmissle_z[6], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[7] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[7], Lmissle_y[7], Lmissle_z[7], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[8] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[8], Lmissle_y[8], Lmissle_z[8], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[9] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[9], Lmissle_y[9], Lmissle_z[9], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[10] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[10], Lmissle_y[10], Lmissle_z[10], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[11] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[11], Lmissle_y[11], Lmissle_z[11], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[12] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[12], Lmissle_y[12], Lmissle_z[12], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[13] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[13], Lmissle_y[13], Lmissle_z[13], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[14] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[14], Lmissle_y[14], Lmissle_z[14], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))
    if (missle_stats[15] && Check_Gimbal(Lmissle_x[15], Lmissle_y[15], Lmissle_z[15], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z, Smy_plane_yaw, Smy_plane_pitch))

    // OK, let's draw the radar elevation and azimuth indicators
    // We'll say that it takes 1/2 second from left to right and
    // vice-versa
    // Also, we'll say that it takes 3 seconds from top to bottom

    Lgen = (long)current_tick;

    // Half second
    if ((Lgen % TIMER_HZ)<(TIMER_HZ / 2))
        Lgen2 = (Lgen % TIMER_HZ);
        // Lgen2 is between 0 and 63

        Lgen2 -= (TIMER_HZ / 4);
        // Lgen2 is between -32 and +31

        // We need -24 to +24, so multilpy by .75
        Lgen2 = ((Lgen2 * 75L) / 100L);

        // OK, draw it
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2, DDI_CENTER_Y + 21);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2 - 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2 + 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);
        Lgen2 = (Lgen % TIMER_HZ);
        // Lgen2 is between 64 and 127

        Lgen2 -= (TIMER_HZ / 2);
        Lgen2 -= (TIMER_HZ / 4);
        Lgen2 = -Lgen2;
        // Lgen2 is between -31 and +32

        // We need +24 to -24, so multilpy by .75
        Lgen2 = ((Lgen2 * 75L) / 100L);

        // OK, draw it
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2, DDI_CENTER_Y + 21);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2 - 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x + (int)Lgen2 + 1, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22);

    // 3 seconds
    if ((Lgen % (TIMER_HZ * 3))<((TIMER_HZ * 3) / 2))
        Lgen2 = (Lgen % (TIMER_HZ * 3));
        // Lgen2 is between 0 and 191

        Lgen2 -= ((TIMER_HZ * 3) / 4);
        // Lgen2 is between -96 and +95

        // We need -22-1 to +22-1, so multilpy by .229166
        Lgen2 = ((Lgen2 * 229L) / 1000L);

        // OK, draw it
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 23, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 - 1);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 - 1 - 1);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 + 1 - 1);
        Lgen2 = (Lgen % (TIMER_HZ * 3));
        // Lgen2 is between 192 and 383

        Lgen2 -= ((TIMER_HZ * 3) / 2);
        Lgen2 -= ((TIMER_HZ * 3) / 4);
        Lgen2 = -Lgen2;
        // Lgen2 is between -96 and +95

        // We need +22-1 to -22-1, so multilpy by .229166
        Lgen2 = ((Lgen2 * 229L) / 1000L);

        // OK, draw it
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 23, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 - 1);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 - 1 - 1);
        fg_point(ddi_center_x - 22, DDI_CENTER_Y + (int)Lgen2 + 1 - 1);

Draw_Radar_Blip(int DRB_sim_plane_element)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    // Do translation
    Lxb = sim_plane[DRB_sim_plane_element].Lx - Lmy_plane_x;
    Lzb = sim_plane[DRB_sim_plane_element].Lz - Lmy_plane_z;

    // Scale it so it fits our integer math
    Lxb >>= 4L;
    Lzb >>= 4L;

    // Do rotation of the missle target
    if ((Lza = Lxb * Lmy_plane_syaw + Lzb * Lmy_plane_cyaw >> SHIFT_HI)<1L)
    Lxa = Lxb * Lmy_plane_cyaw + Lzb * -Lmy_plane_syaw >> SHIFT_HI;

    // Make sure translated and yaw rotated world x is within gimbal
    // if (Labs(Lxa)>Labs(Lza)) return;     It already is, isn't it?

    Lsxa = 25L * Lxa / Lza + ddi_center_x;
    Lsya = sim_plane[DRB_sim_plane_element].distance_to_my_plane / (radar_range * -122) + DDI_CENTER_Y + 25L;

    // if (Lsya<-50) return;

    fg_point(Lsxa - 1L, Lsya - 1L);
    fg_point(Lsxa, Lsya - 1L);
    fg_point(Lsxa + 1L, Lsya - 1L);
    fg_point(Lsxa - 1L, Lsya);
    fg_point(Lsxa, Lsya);
    fg_point(Lsxa + 1L, Lsya);
    /* HYPHEN
    fg_point(Lsxa   ,Lsya+1L);
    // Add graphical aspect angle
    Sgen = sim_plane[DRB_sim_plane_element].Syaw - Satan2(Lxb, Lzb);
    // Sgen=sim_plane[DRB_sim_plane_element].Syaw-Smy_plane_yaw;
    Lsin(Sgen, Lsyaw);
    Lcos(Sgen, Lcyaw);
    fg_move(Lsxa, Lsya);
    Lsxb = 5 * Lsyaw >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lsyb = -5 * Lcyaw >> SHIFT_HI;
    fg_drawrel(Lsxb, Lsyb);

Draw_Missle_Radar_Blip(int DMRB_element)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    // Do translation
    Lxb = Lmissle_x[DMRB_element] - Lmy_plane_x;
    Lzb = Lmissle_z[DMRB_element] - Lmy_plane_z;

    // Scale it so it fits our integer math
    Lxb >>= 4L;
    Lzb >>= 4L;

    // Do rotation of the missle target
    if ((Lza = Lxb * Lmy_plane_syaw + Lzb * Lmy_plane_cyaw >> SHIFT_HI)<1L)
    Lxa = Lxb * Lmy_plane_cyaw + Lzb * -Lmy_plane_syaw >> SHIFT_HI;

    // Make sure translated and yaw rotated world x is within gimbal
    // if (Labs(Lxa)>Labs(Lza)) return;     It already is, isn't it?

    Lsxa = 25L * Lxa / Lza + ddi_center_x;
    Lsya = CALC_DISTANCE(Lmissle_x[DMRB_element], Lmissle_y[DMRB_element], Lmissle_z[DMRB_element], Lmy_plane_x, Lmy_plane_y, Lmy_plane_z) / (radar_range * -122) + DDI_CENTER_Y + 25L;

    // if (Lsya<-50) return;

    fg_point(Lsxa - 1L, Lsya);
    fg_point(Lsxa + 1L, Lsya);
    fg_point(Lsxa, Lsya - 1L);
    fg_point(Lsxa, Lsya + 1L);

    // Add graphical aspect angle
    Sgen = Smissle_yaw[DMRB_element] - Satan2(Lxb, Lzb);
    // Sgen=Smissle_yaw[DMRB_element]-Smy_plane_yaw;
    Lsin(Sgen, Lsyaw);
    Lcos(Sgen, Lcyaw);
    fg_move(Lsxa, Lsya);
    Lsxa = 5 * Lsyaw >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lsya = -5 * Lcyaw >> SHIFT_HI;
    fg_drawrel(Lsxa, Lsya);

Draw_Threat(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (!rad_light)
        return; // Nothing is on our radar so get lost

    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;


    // OK, SAMs, Radar Sites and Aircraft will emit radar signatures.
    for (loop_var = 0;loop_var<num_active_radars;loop_var++)
        if (Lrelative_radar_x[loop_var]>-158400L && Lrelative_radar_x[loop_var]<158400L && Lrelative_radar_z[loop_var]>-158400L && Lrelative_radar_z[loop_var]<158400L)
            // 158400/20=7920
            Lsxa = Lrelative_radar_x[loop_var] / 7920L;
            Lsya = -Lrelative_radar_z[loop_var] / 7920L;

            // Now we'll rotate the threat blip according to
            // our yaw angle
            Lsxb = (Lsxa * Lmy_plane_cyaw + Lsya * Lmy_plane_syaw >> SHIFT_HI) + ddi_center_x;
            Lsyb = (Lsxa * -Lmy_plane_syaw + Lsya * Lmy_plane_cyaw >> SHIFT_HI) + DDI_CENTER_Y;

            fg_point(Lsxb - 1L, Lsyb - 1L);
            fg_point(Lsxb, Lsyb - 1L);
            fg_point(Lsxb + 1L, Lsyb - 1L);
            fg_point(Lsxb - 1L, Lsyb);
            fg_point(Lsxb, Lsyb);
            fg_point(Lsxb + 1L, Lsyb);
            fg_point(Lsxb - 1L, Lsyb + 1L);
            fg_point(Lsxb, Lsyb + 1L);
            fg_point(Lsxb + 1L, Lsyb + 1L);

Draw_Stores(int on_left)
    if (update_stores_display)
        update_stores_display = NO;

Draw_Waypoints(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;


    // Calculate nautical miles (6080 ft per NM) to the next waypoint
    Fgen = (float)(Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[current_waypoint]) * (float)(Lmy_plane_x - Lwaypoint_x[current_waypoint]);
    Fgen2 = (float)(Lmy_plane_z - Lwaypoint_z[current_waypoint]) * (float)(Lmy_plane_z - Lwaypoint_z[current_waypoint]);
    Lgen = (long)sqrt((double)(Fgen + Fgen2)) / 6080L;
    // Lgen=(long)(sqrt( (double)((Lmy_plane_x-Lwaypoint_x[current_waypoint])*(Lmy_plane_x-Lwaypoint_x[current_waypoint]) + (Lmy_plane_z-Lwaypoint_z[current_waypoint])*(Lmy_plane_z-Lwaypoint_z[current_waypoint]))) *.0001644);

    if (Smy_plane_yaw>0)
        Igen = Smy_plane_yaw / 182;
        Igen = (((long)Smy_plane_yaw + 65536L) / 182L);
    Igen %= 360;

    if (Swaypoint_angle>0)
        Igen2 = Swaypoint_angle / 182;
        Igen2 = (((long)Swaypoint_angle + 65536L) / 182L);
    Igen2 %= 360;

    sprintf(buffer, "%-d`  ", Igen);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x + 11, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6, buffer, 4);
    sprintf(buffer, "%d NM  ", Lgen);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 9, DDI_CENTER_Y + 15, buffer, 6);
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d`  ", Igen2);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 9, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, buffer, 4);

    if (num_waypoints>1)
        sprintf(buffer, "%2d:", current_waypoint + 1);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 8, buffer, 3);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 9, DDI_CENTER_Y + 8, waypoint_names[current_waypoint], 8);

Draw_Target_Info(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;


    if (!gpt_selected || (gpt_selected && !gpt_visable))
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "NO TARGET", 9);

    if (gpt_y==0L)
        // Display "MISSION TARGET" if it's a mission target.
        if (world_map[mission_wme]==NSBRIDGE)
            Lgen = WME_NSBRIDGE;
        else if (world_map[mission_wme]==WEBRIDGE)
            Lgen = WME_WEBRIDGE;
            Lgen = world_map[mission_wme] - 75L;
        if (Lgen==gpt_wme)
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "MISSION TRGT:", 13);
            disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "GRND TRGT:", 10);

        // Distance
        sprintf(buffer, "%-d NM ", gpt_distance / 6080L);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6, buffer, 5);

        // Bearing
        Sgen = (Satan2(gpt_x - Lmy_plane_x, gpt_z - Lmy_plane_z) - Smy_plane_yaw) / 182;
        sprintf(buffer, "%-d`   ", Sgen);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y + 1, buffer, 5);

    if (gpt_aircraft_index<2)
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "F/A-18:", 7);
        disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 21, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20, "MIG-29:", 7);

    // Distance
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d NM ", gpt_distance / 6080L);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y - 13, buffer, 5);

    // Bearing
    Sgen = (Satan2(gpt_x - Lmy_plane_x, gpt_z - Lmy_plane_z) - Smy_plane_yaw) / 182;
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d`   ", Sgen);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y - 6, buffer, 5);

    // Closure Rate In Knots
    // OK, the bottom line is that the closure rate changes rapidly by a
    // few knots (+ or -) every frame. We need a run time average of the
    // closure rate based on the last few frames in order for this to be
    // a more precise, and less jumpy, reading. We'll use the last 10
    // frames for our average.
    // Find location of target after one second
    Lxa = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lvelocity * sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lcpitch >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lya = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lvelocity * sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lspitch >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lzc = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lz + (Lxa * sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lcyaw >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lxc = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lx + (Lxa * sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lsyaw >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lyc = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Ly - Lya;
    // Find location of my plane after one second
    Lxa = Lmy_plane_velocity * Lmy_plane_cpitch >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lya = Lmy_plane_velocity * Lmy_plane_spitch >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lzd = Lmy_plane_z + (Lxa * Lmy_plane_cyaw >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lxd = Lmy_plane_x + (Lxa * Lmy_plane_syaw >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lyd = Lmy_plane_y - Lya;
    Lgen = (gpt_distance - CALC_DISTANCE(Lxc, Lyc, Lzc, Lxd, Lyd, Lzd)) * 19428L >> 15L;
    // Average result if needed
    Laverage_closure_rate[average_closure_rate_counter++] = Lgen;
    if (average_closure_rate_counter==10)
        safe_to_average_closure_rate = YES;
        average_closure_rate_counter = 0;
    if (safe_to_average_closure_rate)
        Lgen = (Laverage_closure_rate[0] + Laverage_closure_rate[1] + Laverage_closure_rate[2] + Laverage_closure_rate[3] + Laverage_closure_rate[4] +
            Laverage_closure_rate[5] + Laverage_closure_rate[6] + Laverage_closure_rate[7] + Laverage_closure_rate[8] + Laverage_closure_rate[9]) / 10L;
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d KNOTS    ", Lgen);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 17, DDI_CENTER_Y + 1, buffer, 11);

    // Enemy Altitude
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d FT      ", -gpt_y);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 13, DDI_CENTER_Y + 8, buffer, 8);

    // Enemy Speed in Knots
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d KNOTS  ", sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Lvelocity * 19428L >> 15L);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 13, DDI_CENTER_Y + 15, buffer, 9);

    // Enemy Heading
    if (sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Syaw>0)
        Sgen = sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Syaw / 182;
        Sgen = (short)(((long)sim_plane[gpt_aircraft_index].Syaw + 65536L) / 182L);
    Sgen %= 360;
    sprintf(buffer, "%-d`  ", Sgen);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 13, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, buffer, 4);

    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y-20, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y-13, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y-6, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y+1, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y+8, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y+15, "", );
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x-25, DDI_CENTER_Y+22, "", );

Draw_Infrared(int on_left)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    if (station_type[current_station]!=AGM65F)

    if (last_65F_launch_missle_element==-1)
        if (gpt_lockable)
            infrared_view_x = Lmy_plane_x;
            infrared_view_y = Lmy_plane_y;
            infrared_view_z = Lmy_plane_z;
            infrared_target_x = gpt_x;
            infrared_target_z = gpt_z;
            infrared_wme = gpt_wme;
            infrared_wmet = gpt_wmet;
            infrared_target_distance = gpt_distance / 6080L;
        // No missles left and none flying. Don't display anything.
    // Missle is flying and is locked
    else if (missle_lock_status[last_65F_launch_missle_element])
        infrared_view_x = Lmissle_x[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_view_y = Lmissle_y[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_view_z = Lmissle_z[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_target_x = Lmissle_target_x[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_target_z = Lmissle_target_z[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_wme = Lmissle_target_wme[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_wmet = Lmissle_target_wmet[last_65F_launch_missle_element];
        infrared_target_distance = Lmissle_locked_target_distance[last_65F_launch_missle_element] / 6080L;
    // Missle is flying but is not locked. Don't display anything.

    if (on_left==YES)
        fg_setclip(58, 108, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 83;
        fg_setclip(210, 260, 154, 200);
        ddi_center_x = 235;

    display_on_ddi = YES;

    // It's very important that we set Lcurrent_element because for
    // instance, the bridge drawing scenery relies on this to be set
    // in order to draw properly.
    Lcurrent_element = XZ_TO_ELEMENT(infrared_target_x, infrared_target_z);

    if (infrared_wme==WME_NSBRIDGE)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 2048L / 160L);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_WEBRIDGE)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 2048L / 160L);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_FRIENDLY_AIRPORT && infrared_wmet<2)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
        Draw_Hanger(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_FRIENDLY_AIRPORT && infrared_wmet<4)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
        Draw_Hanger_45_Degrees(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_FRIENDLY_AIRPORT && infrared_wmet==4)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
        Draw_Control_Tower(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_GECKO)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 64L / 160L);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_GROUND_TRAINING_TARGET)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_FUEL_DUMPS)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 640L / 160L);
        Draw_Fuel_Tank(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_RADAR_STATION && infrared_wmet==0)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
        Draw_Radar_Building_And_Dish(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if ((infrared_wme==WME_RADAR_STATION && infrared_wmet==1) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_COMMAND_CONTROL && infrared_wmet==0) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_COMMUNICATION && infrared_wmet==0))
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 1280L / 160L);
        Draw_Communication_Tower(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z);
    else if ((infrared_wme==WME_COMMUNICATION && infrared_wmet==1) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_WEAPONS_FACTORY && infrared_wmet==1) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_POWER_PLANT && infrared_wmet==0) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_CHEMICAL_FACTORY && infrared_wmet==0) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_COMMAND_CONTROL && infrared_wmet==1) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_NUCLEAR_RESEARCH) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_ARMY_BARRACKS && infrared_wmet<3))
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 512L / 160L);
        Draw_Barracks(GREEN_CAMOUFLAGE, LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if ((infrared_wme==WME_WEAPONS_FACTORY && infrared_wmet==0) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_POWER_PLANT && infrared_wmet>0) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_CHEMICAL_FACTORY && infrared_wmet==1))
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 1536L / 160L);
        Draw_Smoke_Stack(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z);
    else if ((infrared_wme==WME_TANK_CONVOY) ||
        (infrared_wme==WME_WEAPON_STORAGE && (infrared_wmet<3 || infrared_wmet>4)))
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 64L / 160L);
        Draw_Tank(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_ARMY_BARRACKS && infrared_wmet>2)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 450L / 160L);
        Draw_Building_A(LTRGoffset_x, LTRGoffset_y, LTRGoffset_z, LTGoffset_x, LTGoffset_z);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_MOBILE_SCUD)
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 100L / 160L);
    else if (infrared_wme==WME_WEAPON_STORAGE && (infrared_wmet==3 || infrared_wmet==4))
        Calculate_Ground_Target_View(DEPTH * 64L / 160L);
        Draw_Truck(0, LTGoffset_x, -Lview_y, LTGoffset_z);

    // Display distance to target in nautical miles.
    /* Who needs this anyway?
    fg_rect( ddi_center_x-22, ddi_center_x-5, DDI_CENTER_Y+20, DDI_CENTER_Y+22 );
    sprintf(buffer, "%2d NM ", infrared_target_distance);
    disp_ddi_text(ddi_center_x - 25, DDI_CENTER_Y + 22, buffer, 5);

    // Draw Cross Hairs
    fg_move(ddi_center_x - 20, DDI_CENTER_Y);
    fg_drawrel(19, 0);
    fg_moverel(2, 0);
    fg_drawrel(19, 0);
    fg_move(ddi_center_x, DDI_CENTER_Y - 20);
    fg_drawrel(0, 19);
    fg_moverel(0, 2);
    fg_drawrel(0, 19);

    display_on_ddi = NO;

Calculate_Ground_Target_View(long view_distance)
    int loop_var;
    short Sgen;
    int Igen, Igen2, Igen3;
    long Lgen, Lgen2;
    unsigned long ULgen, ULgen2;
    float Fgen, Fgen2, Fgen3;

    // Used by ddi version of polyfill_3d()
    y_offset = LARGE_SCREEN_CENTER_Y;
    // polyoff_miny=-160L;  OBSOLETE
    // polyoff_maxy=160L;   OBSOLETE

    Ltravel_distance = (long)sqrt((double)((float)(infrared_view_x - infrared_target_x) * (float)(infrared_view_x - infrared_target_x)) + (double)((float)(infrared_view_z - infrared_target_z) * (float)(infrared_view_z - infrared_target_z)));
    Spitch_angle_of_head = Satan2(infrared_view_y, Ltravel_distance);
    Syaw_angle_of_head = Satan2(infrared_target_x - infrared_view_x, infrared_target_z - infrared_view_z);
    Lsin(Syaw_angle_of_head, Lsyaw_T);
    Lcos(Syaw_angle_of_head, Lcyaw_T);
    Lsin(Spitch_angle_of_head, Lspitch_T);
    Lcos(Spitch_angle_of_head, Lcpitch_T);
    Lsroll_T = 0L;
    Lcroll_T = 16384L;

    THI00 = Lcyaw_T;
    THI01 = 0L;
    THI02 = -Lsyaw_T;
    THI10 = Lspitch_T * Lsyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    THI11 = Lcpitch_T;
    THI12 = Lspitch_T * Lcyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    THI20 = Lcpitch_T * Lsyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    THI21 = -Lspitch_T;
    THI22 = Lcpitch_T * Lcyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI;

    T00 = THI00 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T01 = THI01 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T02 = THI02 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T10 = THI10 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T11 = THI11 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T12 = THI12 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T20 = THI20 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T21 = THI21 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;
    T22 = THI22 >> SHIFT_HI_LO;

    // Avoid all those potential errors.
    if (Lcpitch_T==0L)
        Lcpitch_T = 1L;

    /* Lets rotate all preset possible points for all possible
    * object offset locations FAST 3D speed!
    * After this, to calculate a point is just a matter of addition
    * to the rotated offset followed by projection.
    * Remember, all points have a precision to 1/64 ft.
    * Offsets must have the same precision.

    /* View distance to target can vary */
    Lview_x = infrared_target_x;
    Lview_y = 0;
    Lview_z = infrared_target_z;
    Lxa = -view_distance * Lcpitch_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lya = -view_distance * Lspitch_T >> SHIFT_HI;
    Lview_z += (Lxa * Lcyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lview_x += (Lxa * Lsyaw_T >> SHIFT_HI);
    Lview_y -= Lya;

    // Do translation of target world coordinates
    LTGoffset_x = infrared_target_x - Lview_x;
    LTGoffset_z = infrared_target_z - Lview_z;

    // Do rotation of target world coordinates into 1/64 precision
    LTRGoffset_x = LTGoffset_x * T00 + -Lview_y * T01 + LTGoffset_z * T02 >> 4L;
    LTRGoffset_y = LTGoffset_x * T10 + -Lview_y * T11 + LTGoffset_z * T12 >> 4L;
    LTRGoffset_z = LTGoffset_x * T20 + -Lview_y * T21 + LTGoffset_z * T22 >> 4L;

disp_ddi_text(int disp_ddi_text_x, int disp_ddi_text_y, unsigned char *string, int string_len)
    int loop_var;

    fg_move(disp_ddi_text_x, disp_ddi_text_y);
    for (loop_var = 0;loop_var<string_len;loop_var++)
        fg_putimage(&ddi_ascii_bitmaps[string[loop_var]][0], 3, 5);
        fg_moverel(4, 0);

draw_ddi_station(int num, int draw_ddi_station_x, int draw_ddi_station_y)
    if (station_type[num]==NONE || station_number[num]==0)
        // Just draw a thin line.
        if (current_station==num)
        fg_move(draw_ddi_station_x + 1, draw_ddi_station_y);
        fg_drawrel(0, -6);
        // Highlight all weapons of the same type
        fg_move(draw_ddi_station_x, draw_ddi_station_y);
        //if (current_station==num) fg_putimage(ddi_highlighted_missle,3,7);
        //else fg_putimage(ddi_dithered_missle,3,7);
        if (station_type[num]==station_type[current_station])
            fg_putimage(ddi_highlighted_missle, 3, 7);
            fg_putimage(ddi_dithered_missle, 3, 7);

    int Igen1, Igen2, loop_var;
    long Lgen;


    if (old_aa_lck_light!=aa_lck_light ||
        old_aa_fox1_light!=aa_fox1_light ||
        old_aa_fox2_light!=aa_fox2_light ||
        old_sam_lck_light!=sam_lck_light ||
        old_sam_fox1_light!=sam_fox1_light ||
        old_sam_fox2_light!=sam_fox2_light ||
        old_fuel_light!=fuel_light ||
        old_rad_light!=rad_light ||
        old_my_plane_stall!=my_plane_stall ||
        old_fail_light!=fail_light ||
        old_ctrl_light!=ctrl_light ||
        old_hyd_light!=hyd_light ||
        old_fire_light!=fire_light ||
        old_eng1_light!=eng1_light ||
        old_eng2_light!=eng2_light ||
        old_my_plane_brake!=my_plane_brake ||
        old_my_plane_gear!=my_plane_gear ||
        // Gotta do some updating
        old_aa_lck_light = aa_lck_light;
        old_aa_fox1_light = aa_fox1_light;
        old_aa_fox2_light = aa_fox2_light;
        old_sam_lck_light = sam_lck_light;
        old_sam_fox1_light = sam_fox1_light;
        old_sam_fox2_light = sam_fox2_light;
        old_fuel_light = fuel_light;
        old_rad_light = rad_light;
        old_my_plane_stall = my_plane_stall;
        old_fail_light = fail_light;
        old_ctrl_light = ctrl_light;
        old_hyd_light = hyd_light;
        old_fire_light = fire_light;
        old_eng1_light = eng1_light;
        old_eng2_light = eng2_light;
        old_my_plane_brake = my_plane_brake;
        old_my_plane_gear = my_plane_gear;
        old_my_plane_flaps = my_plane_flaps;

        // Row 1
        fg_move(169, 140);
        if (aa_fox1_light || aa_fox2_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_aa, 20, 5);
        else if (sam_fox1_light || sam_fox2_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_sam, 20, 5);
        else if (aa_lck_light || sam_lck_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_lock, 20, 5);
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_nada, 20, 5);

        // Row 2
        fg_move(169, 150);
        if (my_plane_stall && !my_plane_touchdown)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_stall, 20, 5);
        else if (fuel_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_fuel, 20, 5);
        else if (rad_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_radar, 20, 5);
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_nada, 20, 5);

        // Row 3
        fg_move(169, 159);
        if (fail_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_fail, 20, 5);
        else if (ctrl_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_ctrl, 20, 5);
        else if (hyd_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_hyd, 20, 5);
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_nada, 20, 5);

        // Row 4
        fg_move(169, 169);
        if (fire_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_fire, 20, 5);
        else if (eng1_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_engl, 20, 5);
        else if (eng2_light)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_engr, 20, 5);
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_nada, 20, 5);

        // Row 5
        fg_move(169, 178);
        if (my_plane_brake)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_brake, 20, 5);
        else if (my_plane_gear)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_gear, 20, 5);
        else if (my_plane_flaps)
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_flaps, 20, 5);
            fg_putimage(bitmap_light_nada, 20, 5);

        // Now we'll do the other lights
        if (my_plane_flaps)
        fg_rect(108, 111, 123, 126);

        if (my_plane_gear)
        fg_rect(108, 111, 131, 134);

        if (my_plane_brake)
        fg_rect(108, 111, 139, 142);

    // OK, first we'll see what type of weapon the enemy has
    Igen1 = Igen2 = 0;
    for (loop_var = 2;loop_var<=4;loop_var++)
        if (sim_plane[loop_var].Ipursuing==-1)
            // -1 is me
            // Irrelevant, right?
            // if (sim_plane[loop_var].Imissle_locked_onto==-1)

            // -1 is me
            if (sim_plane[loop_var].missle_type==AIM9M)
                Igen2 = 1; // Fox 2
                Igen1 = 1; // Fox 1
    Lgen = current_tick;
    // Fox 2 is A-A only!
    if (aa_fox2_light)
        if (page)
        fg_rect(208, 211, 135, 137);
    else if (aa_lck_light && Igen2)
        fg_rect(208, 211, 135, 137);
        fg_rect(208, 211, 135, 137);
    if (aa_fox1_light || sam_fox1_light)
        if (page)
        fg_rect(208, 211, 139, 141);
    else if ((aa_lck_light && Igen1) || sam_lck_light)
        fg_rect(208, 211, 139, 141);
        fg_rect(208, 211, 139, 141);

    // WINDOWS
    if (gpt_selected && gpt_visable)
        if (station_type[current_station]==M61A1)
            if (gpt_aircraft_index<2)
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_RED;
            else if (gpt_distance<4096L &&
                pipper_x>=(gpt_sx - 4L + X_OFFSET) &&
                pipper_x<=(gpt_sx + 4L + X_OFFSET) &&
                pipper_y>=(gpt_sy - 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y) &&
                pipper_y<=(gpt_sy + 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y))
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN;
            else if (gpt_distance<4096L)
                current_window = WINDOW_GREEN;
                current_window = WINDOW_YELLOW;
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AIM9M ||
            if (gpt_aircraft_index<2)
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_RED;
            else if (gpt_in_rng && gpt_lockable)
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN;
            else if (gpt_in_rng)
                current_window = WINDOW_GREEN;
                current_window = WINDOW_YELLOW;
        else if (station_type[current_station]==AGM65F ||
            if (gpt_in_rng && gpt_lockable)
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN;
            else if (gpt_in_rng)
                current_window = WINDOW_GREEN;
                current_window = WINDOW_YELLOW;
        else if (station_type[current_station]==MK82 ||
            station_type[current_station]==MK83 ||
            if (bomb_x>=(gpt_sx - 4L + X_OFFSET) &&
                bomb_x<=(gpt_sx + 4L + X_OFFSET) &&
                bomb_y>=(gpt_sy - 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y) &&
                bomb_y<=(gpt_sy + 4L + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y))
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN;
                current_window = WINDOW_YELLOW;
        else if (station_type[current_station]==M151 ||
            /* OK, it's gotta be right on the money!
            if (X_OFFSET>=(gpt_sx-4L+X_OFFSET) &&
            X_OFFSET<=(gpt_sx+4L+X_OFFSET) &&
            y_offset>=(gpt_sy-4L+SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y) &&
            y_offset<=(gpt_sy+4L+SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y) )
            if (X_OFFSET==(gpt_sx + X_OFFSET) &&
                y_offset==(gpt_sy + SMALL_SCREEN_CENTER_Y))
                current_window = WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN;
                current_window = WINDOW_YELLOW;
        current_window = WINDOW_OFF;

    if (current_window==WINDOW_OFF)
        fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
        fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
    else if (current_window==WINDOW_YELLOW)
        fg_transfer(142, 142 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
        fg_transfer(142, 142 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
    else if (current_window==WINDOW_GREEN)
        fg_transfer(154, 154 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
        fg_transfer(154, 154 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
    else if (current_window==WINDOW_STROBE_GREEN)
        if (page)
            fg_transfer(154, 154 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(154, 154 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
    else if (current_window==WINDOW_STROBE_RED)
        if (page)
            fg_transfer(166, 166 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(166, 166 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 73 - 7, 73, 78, 130, 2, 2);
            fg_transfer(130, 130 + 6, 84 - 7, 84, 234, 129, 2, 2);

    // WARNING
    if (fire_light || structural_failure || structural_limit)
        // Flash that warning light

        // First a big, red, fast drawn, rectangle
        if (page)
        fg_rect(131, 183, 110, 116);

        // Copy only the word "WARNING"
        if (page)
            fg_transfer(144, 170, 89, 93, 144, 115, 2, 2);
        // Gotta black it out first!
        fg_rect(131, 183, 110, 116);

        // Restore weapons display stuff
